Grant Loud
Following up on his youthful dream to become a professional musician and songwriter, Grant Loud spent the 20+ years post-An American Family exploring the deep pool of his love of music.
Unfortunately, that search only revealed a rather shallow pond of talent. It’s a sad story, but not especially unique.
With his 40th birthday behind him, he finally began to get nervous about future prospects. (He's always been a little slow.) A complete overhaul in strategy led to a temp job with the quiz show Jeopardy! and he was (surprisingly!) hired on full-time. It was there that he met his wife, now of 23 years. He has been awarded 4 Emmys for his work on the show and having worked his way up from the mail room to Segment Producer, he stepped down (voluntarily!) after 25 years of service.
He is glad to be back at play in an unsupervised environment and can be found most days writing, making music and fooling around with watercolors in his garage studio.